Early Frost General Store

Early Frost General Store is open year round. Products subject to seasonal availability. We accept Cash, Check and Credit cards.

We offer a variety of canned goods using our home grown produce. Customer favorites include; Pickled Pumpkin, Grape Chutney, Cherry Tomato caramelized onion and Balsamic Vinegar conserve, and Smoked Jalapeno sauce.

We use organic and sustainable growing practices to ensure the highest quality vegetables from our farm to your table.

We offer several original T-shirt designs that capture the character of Embarrass and why we love to live here.

Beeswax and honey from our hives serve as the major ingredients in our homemade lip balm, gardeners salve and solid perfume.

We purchase our seeds from organic and heirloom seed companies. Our favorites are Seed Treasures and High Mowing.

We grow a variety of vegetables on our farm, our favorite being the Jalapeño pepper. We use this in our smoked hot sauce.

We carry a variety of soda, Gatorade, and ice cream treats. Jack makes the Polar Vortex bar, coated in cherry or chocolate with or without nuts.
Stop in for a visit and shop local!
7273 Palo Tia Rd
Embarrass, Mn 55732